🎉 Hey everyone! It’s been a long while, thank you for being here and supporting my journey. It has been hectic for the last few months - finishing finals, doing electives, travelling and graduation… but we’ve made it!
Now that I’ve finished med school, I’m preparing for my foundation training as an NHS doctor starting in August. It will be a steep learning curve, but I’m sure it will be rewarding and there are lots to learn throughout this experience.
🌟 Whilst it will be hectic in the first month or so, I hope to continue this side passion project of mine. Here’s my plan:
Build a gallery of templates using ideas from my previous collection of posts as I’ve been getting requests on how I design them, but it would take time for me to revamp and polish so please bear with me
I’m brainstorming a way where it’s best to launch the resource hub I’ve been meaning to put out - resources that I’ve encountered but it would be nice to have collective effort from everyone. I’ll try to figure out a way where it’s open to public and everyone can contribute if they would like to. If you have any ideas please feel free to reach out
Partnerships - whether it be working with different healthtech startups/ consulting/ communication companies, let’s see how we can help each other
Launching a spinout from this newsletter - similar to GenShe/ GenZ VC vibes, community-led but with a unique edge to it. Will keep you posted on this one!
If there are ways you think we could work together please feel free to let me know and we can discuss this further:)
🌱 There are many more but for now I will focus on one step at a time. I want to thank every one of you for supporting me on this journey and believing in me. I really appreciate it. Take care for now and I’ll see you all very soon!
Please let me know if you have any suggestions of what to see next or any feedback! I would value your input.
If you have any interesting articles or stacks, please get in touch! I would love to feature in my next edition! 😇
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